Friday, March 9, 2012

Surprising Yet Wonderful

There has been a great deal of surprises in our first few weeks in Nanchang. Some have been good; some not so good but in the spirit of being positive, let's dwell on the good ones.

Here is a list of things that I have found to be surprising yet wonderful in our first days in China:

9...three supermarkets in our neighborhood (It took us a week to find the third and fourth, but they are out there)

8...for items that our supermarkets lack, there is METRO (a store with everything we might miss, imported and ready to devour. Plus, the school has a free shuttle every week!)

7...the Great fireWall doesn't block Pinterest (but it does block facebook and blogger, so new posts may not be as frequent as I'm sure you would like)

6...spicy tofu (I wasn't a huge tofu fan before but this dish is delish!)

         p.s. all the food we've eaten is DELICIOUS!
5...huge apartment (with fully furnished guest room. Bring on the visitors!)

4...Oh the counter space! (remember our last kitchen?) is a 3 minute walk from home (in fact, I can see the classroom building from where I am sitting, right now in my bedroom)

2...freedom in lesson planning (We plan, teach, and grade anyway we want with a few minor standards imposed by the school) students are great (the are enthusiastic, well behaved, interested in English, I love them!)

1 comment:

  1. enjoying in China?
    9 things sounds great!
    I'm so happy about that.
